Love Quote of the Day
Be brave, young lovers, and follow your star.
Oscar Hammerstein II

Friday, April 08, 2005

hot day + connection bad

wah seh...Franky send me an url regarding the internet connection n it seems tat tmnet gonna down for quite sumtime due to degrading system in few particular wonder tis few days d connection sibeh jialat the slow until so keksim wanna on9 oso.
sumore 2day the whether so kaulat hot...can feel the stim here....makes me feel headache like tat...i can't afford to get sick AGAIN cos i've been sick the past few weeks n been taking too much ,i repeat TOO MUCH of medication!!!!
my biological clock spoil dy ler...been sleeping quite late tis few days.kenot ler,must switch bek to the old times where i can soundly asleep at bout 11pm - 12am like tat.hhmm,but how ar?i make myself busy one whole day,din take afternoon nap n make myself tired....but still kenot sleep early wor.try to lie down on my bed but in the end, i ended up golek around jus like ayam golek style.geee....oh,mayb i drink teh tarik mia pasel?but im not those coffee o teh addicted tat once u drink u wont sleep later...hhmm....weird weird weird~~


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