Wake Up Sleepy Eyes
i was having a nice sleep wen suddenly my mum shouting asking us to wake up. i was like wat the... den i look at my hp time n its oni 830am. why ask us to wake up lar??? den oni i realised im gonna bring my 3 younger sisters to A Famosa Safari. ( for those tat don know me tat well, i have 3 younger sisters and one more elder sister, wic makes 5 gals in our famiy. heheeh ) LoLz... at times i tend to forget bout my programme the moment i woke up, eventhough u remined urself last nite. kekeke... short term memory lost!

who decide to go A Famosa Safari? me lor. since i been there few times n kinda remember the roads to there, so i suggest to bring my sisters along. see, im a loving sister ler? as usual lar....keekkeke

basically tis is not my 1st time going to A Famosa Safari. it will be the 4th time!! the 1st time i went with my ex, 2nd time with my beloved god brother, 3rd time with my sayang and now, the 4th time with my sisters. so i got up and get ready. we left our house at 915am.
goin to Alor Gajah is a straight road from Bachang. so i just shoot up and wen it comes to dono where, i have no idea, the roads began to changed. i was like oh uh.

last nite i cek A Famosa website and it says the 1st performance start at 1030am. so i quickly grab tickets but too bad the queue was long. wen i was linng halfway thru, there's tis Malay lady approached tis aunty in front of me and ask " u nak pi Safari ker ? ". den tat aunty says " yea ". tat lady itself wanna sell off her tickets cos she terlebeh beli. but tat aunty doesnt want cos she needs oni 2 tickets whereby tat lady wanna sell 3 adult tickets. so i voice out and ask how much wanna sell? she says RM30. usual price around RM35. b4 i pay her, i took her tickets and ask the ticket fellow whethr the ticket stil can be used onot, and the answer is yes. so i bought the ticket for RM90 instead of RM105. kekekek.. so i oni need to buy another RM25 for my youngest sister. kids pricing.

by the time i finish buying tickets, its already 1045-11am. i took the broucher programme to cek on the performance timing. oh gosh, the 1st performance is at 1015am not 1030am!! too bad..we decide to go for the 2nd round performance since they gonna repeat it at different time.
4 of us was having fun. we took sampat sampat pics too... we even took one picture with Orang Utan!! tat pic we have to pay RM12 cos they r using their own camera. nx time oni i upload my pic here ok? need to scan the pic 1st. tat Orang Utan so cute!!! kkekekek...

sum pictures we took :-
from the left: Karen Ng ( the youngest - she's a gal ok ), Wendy Ng ( 2nd youngest wic is after me ), Amy Ng ( 3rd youngest) each with small chicks on their hands, behind them got lotsa chicks sumore
cute lovely chicks!!
me and Karen . i know she doesnt look like a gal.
coca cola or ice lemon tea? or two monkeys with me? choose wic one u want.
don act cool lar Karen! puikz!
wats wif the lembu lar? sumore the rubbish? must ask Karen.
* four of us *
finish our outing at bout 515pm. so i drive slowly as i was a lil tired. i reached home roughly 630pm cos it started to jam cos after work mia timing. im not done yet. i have to fetch my mum to Bukit Beruang cos she's having gathering with her old frens. den afta i drop her there, i went over to Melaka Raya to pick up my elder sister. whew.......reached hom about 730pm but im not done yet again! mum not cooking so we have to makan sendiri outside. den went for dinner, am very very hungry. finish dinner at bout 845pm. reached home 9pm and tats d time i can settle down and have a nice bath and rest!
was supposed to meet my sayang earlier cos i tot my programme finishing early. if its not bcos we missed the 1st performace, we wil be able to go bek earlier. so too bad, i have to cancel off my outing with my sayang. poor baby.....
i was feeling very very sleepy but im not ready to sleep yet cos i missed my 3pm Singapore series tis afternoon, and the repeat series will start at 1230am. so i took a half an hour cat nap.
very very tired...... but enjoying as well..kekkek...
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