Which Malaysian Blogger Are You?
Congratulations Tricia Ng, you are...

minishorts of minishorts.net
You are outgoing, direct, smart, pretty, and a definite go-getter. You are frank, a little too frank perhaps that sometimes you get on people's nerves and make them very upset. If people attack you, you hit back with triple the force without blinking because you are the kind of person who knows exactly what you are talking about or else you wouldn't talk about it. Your quick-thinking is what makes you special. You are an elitist.
ok, cut tat nonsence thing. went over to sayang's house and we manage to watch a Singapore chinese show call "i do i do". its a comedy show and we were laughing hysterically.
today's outing dinner cancel cos his aunty is celebrating her bday wif her frens meanwhile his dad is not free today. so his mum tapau duck rice for us instead.
we were tunning the astro channel from channel 1 to channel 72. usually on weekends not much tv programme. den we stick to channel 71 or 72 ( cant remember ) and we were watching tis life show title " my super sweet 16 ". its bout how they celebrate their 16 bday. tis super rich gal wanted a superb car for her bday. and she even wish to go to Paris jus to get one costly dress!! halfway thru she had an arguement with his dad and his dad says he wont get her the car. she got upset and swear tat if he din bought her the car, she will never tok to him again. my God... such a spoil brait. nvm bout tis. his parents got her a very very grand bday party and in the end, she still gets her dream car. how i wish i was in her shoes sial...wake up wake up..stop dreaming...!
afta the show, we went to handsome mamak to meet up wif Allan; my ex coursemate. well, he not tat childish anymore wic makes him now much more mature, must be the KL style of working impact. lolz....
ok...im off now, wanna read my Chinese Cinderella story. ciaoz~!
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