i was locked in the cashier 'compound' os my supervisor need to finish her stock-checking task.
i was in charge of computing those items customers buy.
kena lock in the 'kandang' wasnt cool enuf.
u kenot walk around or do anything. all u do is sit
down there and watch the customers. but i wanna walk walk ler.wanna do exercise lar.
sitting down for 2+hours is not a good idea afterall. can make ur bontot grow BIGGER
there is a few magazines in the cashier 'compound'. so i grab one of it and flip thru it. den there's once page wic attact my 4 biji mata. a pair of "Cortez Deluxe Nike" sneakers! i've always wanted to buy sneakers. at 1st im hooked up to Adidas 3 stripes sneakers. den i changed my mind to Nike. so far, i oni have 2 pairs of sport shoes. one Nike another one Reebok. and to be frank, i hardly wear them. hehehe..
. not oni tat, i had few sandals and high heels wic hardly wear too. there's once my mum give away few of my sandals without asking me!hhrrmmppp..den my mum will grumble at me saying "u buy so many shoes for wat? how many pairs of legs do u have? u better go n buka one kedai kasut lar. buy not say pakei, tapi bikin pameran".and her music (music as in nagging) goes on and on until she find another target to lecture.
* Cortez Deluxe Nike *

looks simple with oni the blue tick.but i prefer simple and nice sneakers like those 'old-style-school' shoes (if u guys noe wat i mean). yeah, my taste will be simple and nice. sum like it to be gaudy gaudy karer(color). like the old saying goes "Banyak udang banyak garam, banyak orang banyak ragam". wic means different people different taste.
around 830pm, numbers of customers walk into Thai Kuang. so i quicky finish flipping thru the magazine and start to watch the customers.
wen i was watching the customers, suddenly a familiar face walk into Thai Kuang. "ni pompuan macam pernah nampak. sapa ar?"
this lady look at me and smile den oni i realise its my sayang's aunty!! LoLz!! mayb
i didnt expect her to be there so suddenly. den i say "Hei aunty!! wat r u doing here?
alone ar?". she told me she's with her fren;Aunty Jenny and they went to toilet.
and the toilet happen to be nearby my working place, so she came over to visit me.
just a few chat oni she left and im bek to my normal routine watching customer
just like a hawk watching for prey. chewah, ader gaya sial~!
finish work, directly drive bek home (drove to work again). have a nice hot shower,
dry up my hair den on my pc to cek any interesting emails.
i was in charge of computing those items customers buy.
kena lock in the 'kandang' wasnt cool enuf.

down there and watch the customers. but i wanna walk walk ler.wanna do exercise lar.

sitting down for 2+hours is not a good idea afterall. can make ur bontot grow BIGGER

there is a few magazines in the cashier 'compound'. so i grab one of it and flip thru it. den there's once page wic attact my 4 biji mata. a pair of "Cortez Deluxe Nike" sneakers! i've always wanted to buy sneakers. at 1st im hooked up to Adidas 3 stripes sneakers. den i changed my mind to Nike. so far, i oni have 2 pairs of sport shoes. one Nike another one Reebok. and to be frank, i hardly wear them. hehehe..

* Cortez Deluxe Nike *

looks simple with oni the blue tick.but i prefer simple and nice sneakers like those 'old-style-school' shoes (if u guys noe wat i mean). yeah, my taste will be simple and nice. sum like it to be gaudy gaudy karer(color). like the old saying goes "Banyak udang banyak garam, banyak orang banyak ragam". wic means different people different taste.
around 830pm, numbers of customers walk into Thai Kuang. so i quicky finish flipping thru the magazine and start to watch the customers.
wen i was watching the customers, suddenly a familiar face walk into Thai Kuang. "ni pompuan macam pernah nampak. sapa ar?"

this lady look at me and smile den oni i realise its my sayang's aunty!! LoLz!! mayb
i didnt expect her to be there so suddenly. den i say "Hei aunty!! wat r u doing here?
alone ar?". she told me she's with her fren;Aunty Jenny and they went to toilet.
and the toilet happen to be nearby my working place, so she came over to visit me.
just a few chat oni she left and im bek to my normal routine watching customer
just like a hawk watching for prey. chewah, ader gaya sial~!
finish work, directly drive bek home (drove to work again). have a nice hot shower,
dry up my hair den on my pc to cek any interesting emails.
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