Gong Xi Gong Xi
its a dog statue taken at Jonker Street.
anyway.....Gong Xi Gong Xi Gong Xi Ni.....Gong Xi Fa Chai!!!! sadly i don feel the Gong Xi Fa Chai sentimen tis year. few reasons y i don feel the CNY sentimen....
- i tink im old
- i tink im old dy
- i tink im so old dy
- i tink im growing extremely old dy
- i am actually feeling old now
apart from those reasons....y i don feel the CNY mood becoz....
- not much CNY tv programme at TV
- CNY decoration sux
- for the 1st week of CNY, i oni saw 2 Lion Dance!!! (where had all the lion gone?)
anyway, i've promised to update bout my CNY daily programmes. so here goes...
29th January 2006, 1st day of CNY
went to my Grandparents' place at Bandar Hilir (father side). collect angpows den hang out for like one hour plus plus. my Grandparents place is a lil dull bcoz most of them are grown up ppl. their topic conversation will be bout work, politik etc. one word to describe - B O R I N G -
den afta tat, we head over to my Grandma's place at Bukit Beruang (mum side). its been 2 years since i celebrate CNY wif my Grandma, i was at my sayang's place the past 2 years. every 1st day of CNY, there's always open house at sayang's place. lotsa delicious food been served especially sambal udang! damn it, i start to miss the food dy!! >.<
as usual, my Grandma's place more happening cos of kids. manage to meet up wif my cousins wic we hardly meet dy. all hensom hensom and pretty pretty dy. Mahjong Session tis year among my mum, my grandma and my aunties oni few rounds, better don play so much, wait kena tangkap den shave botak. wat a nonsence stuff, how can they ruin the CNY mood??? so unfair!
photos photos photos!! took photos wif my aunties and grandma too.. will oni upload few of them here....
* sisters wif one of my aunty*

hang out at my popo's place till 9++pm.
30th January 2006, 2nd day of CNY
the next day itself, i went over to sayang's place. had lunch over there and i realised tat i had ate like a PIG!! *oink oink* wat do u expect wen u see sambal udang, rendang, curry chicken, roti jala, ketupat, chicken wings plus soup in front of u?? of coz la u wallop like nobody business!! damn siok...
there's Lion Dance at sayang's place!! tuan tuan dan puan puan....dipersilakan....Mr Lion....
* dong dong jiang, dong dong jiang*

later on sayang's mum called up New Good World restaurant and Lim Tian Puan restaurant to ask for the dinner menu and pricing. finally they choose Lim Tian Puan restaurant. it's actually sayang's sister's treat. oh yeh, his sister gave me a RM100 angpow!! siok...it seems tat his sister bonus quite kaulat tis year. so i had another extra RM100!!! yay~!!
l-r(sit) : uncle, father, mum, aunty Jenny, aunty Jessie, grandma
l-r(stand) : sayang, me, sister
service was quite bad cos not much staff around. serving was indeed small as well..but it doesnt matter, as long as everyone is happily eating those dishes.
31st January 2006, 3rd day of CNY
woke up around 8am and get myself ready. frens coming over to 'pai nien'. they were supposed to reach my house at 9am. but i noe sumbody gonna delay the time...who else if its not our nenek Sharon. -.-" she's 4va tat late but we get used to it ady. they reached my house half an hour later. asking bout each other whereabouts.
its nice to meet up wif old folks wic hardly meet. thru out the journey from A to Z, we were talking bout our secondary life. and the best part is, we were laffing so hard at out own silly mistakes.
miss those dayz especially Form 6 life. Form 6 life is the best-rox! me and few of my close frens (even the head prefect and monitor of the class) was the most noisiest and naughtiest student in tat class. most of the time we will ponteng classes especially Maths lesson!! our Maths teacher is the most faggot teacher we ever had. his boring teaching skills makes us feel sien wanna attend his class. so most of the time, my gang (including the Head Prefect and Monitor of the class) will ponteng his class and hide in the library. there's a few times tat he came and hunt for us, but we buat bodo as though he not around. LoL...
our favourite place to hang out at skewl will be the library. bcos..... they have air cond there. all of us know tat library is a place to study and not to make noise. but sad to say...we all neglect the rules. all we do is chat non stop, sleep in the library and laff all we can. at times we curi-curi makan too. the Head Prefect will close one eye and act as though nothing happen. the most pathetic stuff is....im actually one of the senior librarian there!!! and i din follow the rules!! cant blif tat!
there are sum cases tat we curi - curi went bek early...sum might say its normal to them...but i still cant blif i do tat....even the Head Prefect and Monitor of the class do tat to!! my God!!(our teaches 'mou ngan tai' (no eyes) to see us.
i remember very well wen we wanna go for Econs tuition at Tengkera under Mr.Hoong ( a famous Baba MHS teacher). his tuition class is 4eva pack!! till we have to rush there and become the first kiasu to get into the classroom and book place. the distance from IJC to tengkera not say near...moreover...afta skewl hour is always jam like hell especially around Bandar Hilir and also Tengkera there. at times we din even eat. there's no food stall around tat area. >.<
so in order for us to make sure we have a place to sit at tat tuition place and have food to eat, we divide into 2 groups; 1 will go tapau the other 1 will trus go over to tat tuition to rebut place to sit. usually b4 the clock strike 2pm, we will get ourselves 15minutes in advance to ready. in the sense we pack our stuff and carry our bag. once the skewl bell ring, poof we go; fasten our speed like nobody business. -those were the dayz-
manage to meet up with two of our IJC teacher. both are the greatest teachers we ever had!
*cute Mr Kong-teached us Pengajian Am*
during Mr Kong's class, all we do is chatting all the way, sleeping in the class and reading newspapers. meanwhile he will be teaching few souls in my class.
*sexy Mrs Lim-lower form teacher*
oh yeh, sharon kept her promise by wearing tat sexy cheongsam. hehehehe ^_^
our overall outing ended roughly 5++.
sayang came over and pick me up at night. sayang wanna eat Kenny Rogers for dinner. so we went MP and settle ourselves at KR. my trademark side dishes will be mashes potatoes, potato salad and macaroni and cheeze!!!! mana tak gemok? >_<
den we went Limbongan to limteh wif few of our kakinang. halfway thru, there's tis Indian possession (parade) pass by our limteh area. Benny asked "eh wanna take pic of tat parade onot? can put inside ur blog ma...u can say while limteh halfway we saw tis Indian thing pass by". -___- !
1st February 2006, 4th day of CNY
*thinking hard wat i did on 4th day of CNY* - think think think -
ok...i din go out day time cos sayang laZy wanna pik me up =_________= . benny called me to ask whether im at sayang's place becos he wanna drop by at his place... and i replied NO cos he's too laZy to come all d way to town to pick me. tak guna~! den benny told sayang i was complaining to him bout tat ...and tats d time oni sayang came over to pick me up....muahahahah~!!
b4 tat, jack and hoon leong was having lunch at one of the stall near to Malim meanwhile benny, xiao jun and her sis just sit down and yumcha. they were waiting for us to reach sayang's place. but they reached much earlier den us. hoon leong says he will meet up later on.
sayang's mum cooked sambal prawn again. so i took out one small plate of sambal udang for them to try....in few seconds, all the prawns habis! so i 'top-up' the prawns for them...and again one shot they finish up the prawns. hoon leong came later on. sayang's mum ask me to ask them whether they wan ketupat and roti jala....and their answer was a "YES". ketupat and roti jala was served later on together with sambal udang and all i noe is...they were enjoying the meal...even jack and hoon leong still can hantam eventhough they just had their lunch few minutes ago.
oh yeh, how cud i 4get sayang's father speciality in doing the chicken wing for two rounds and they actually sapu habis bersih bersih. like i said b4, sayang's parents sambal udang and chicken wings are the greatest demand during CNY. tis year itself, his parents bought 11kg of small udang, i repeat SMALL UDANG and not big udang (to make these sambal udang) and in 4 dayz itself,all the prawns FINISH! *poof* jus like tat. 11kg of small udang sial! -____- " as for the chicken wings, they bought 8.5kg tis year...and its almost finish too....
they finish up one big bowl of sambal udang and his mum have to re-cook again. actually tat bowl of sambal prawns is for his mum's frens later on at night. but we finish up and she has no choice but to cook again. =P
they left around 530pm. xiao jun having steamboat party at her place at about 730pm. i was wondering whether they can digest tat fast onot?
had tomyam steamboat wif lotsa vege and meat. * yum yum* pic is not wif me cos i din bring camera along. have to ask from Benny or xiao jun...
stomach was bloating till i kenot take it. im not sure bout the others but all i noe is i feel like a huge giant there! *sweat*
went over to jack's place to play pakau. i tink we finish playing pakau cards till 2am, den went pasar borong to limteh till 3am. my stomach feels so heavy due to the food and my eye lids too starts feeling heavy afta tat...
2th February 2006, 5th day of CNY
im goin swimming!!!!!!!!!!! its been ages since i wear my swimsuit. and i finally got to wear my swimsuit. me n sayang met up wif benny, xiao jun, her sis and jack and public pool at 7pm. my swimming technique oso kenot pakei wan. but i noe im having so much fun with those monkeys inthe pool. i felt myself burn down sum fats afta swimming, wat bout u Hoon Leong?? hehehehe....
was in the pool for 1 1/2 hour den we got up and took shower. was deciding where to makan den finaly we came up wif the idea of eating nasi lemak at hensom's mamak. there goes my exercise....
earlier, jack fetch them. benny then ask me whether wanna sit roller coaster onot? i was like huh? den he ask me to sit jack's car and test power skit. i was asked to sit in front and before i manage to pull the seat belt, jack start driving off in a very fast speed. as far as i noe, i was holding tight to the seat belt and closing my eyes thru out the journey. now i understand why they say his car is as though like a roller coaster and oso how superb fast he always reach Mlk from KL. *sweat* by the time we reached the place, my legs start to grow weak.....
once we finish our dinner, we went to tis fun fair at Melaka Raya. the place was superb pack too.
another round of limteh at Sultan afta tat till around 12++am.
3th February 2006, 6th day of CNY
went Jonker Walk to look around. afta tat we had satay celuo for dinner. meet up wif kakinang as well. afta satay celup, we decide to go pver to Bert's Cafe. enjoying ourselves wif pakau. don let the police see us, or else they gonna catch us and shave our hair off. but we din gamble...jus play for fun nia.
benny suddenly feel like eating roti john. so we pay our bills and head over to Pantai Kundur roti john. ordered 2 long roti john wif one ayam golek. thx to benny for making fat. >_<>
4th February 2006, 7th day CNY
sharon was supposed to go bek JB today, but she cancel off her plan and make it the next day. so i went over to her place and both of us went to MP to develop our overall pics (from last last last time). thx God sharon has tis 50% voucher. so i ended up paying RM60++ for the pics...or else i have to pay RM120++ !!
later on, met up wif xiao jun, her sis and benny at Asam Pedas for dinner. the three of them goin to Jonker Walk later on, so without wasting time, we finish our meals and make our move.
fetch sharon bek and reach home about 12am.
5th February 2003, 8th day of CNY
there's this tarrot card reader dropping by at sayang's place around 10am. xiao jun is interested bout it so they came over and pick me up. by the time we reached sayang's place, his mum was cooking Sardine Bihun!! long time din eat dy.... the 4 of us (me, xiao jun, her sis and benny) finish up one big plate of bihun. i sms sayang to let him noe tat we r enjoying the sardine bihun, and he kenot take it. =P muahahahaha
i manage to take bek my cd rom and cds wic i had keep on REMINDING sayang to return bek. * sweat*
its pass midnight now, i cud hear firecrackers nearby. tats bcoz its 'pai tien kong'.
ok, i tink tats all i cud say bout my boring CNY stuff...
At 1:51 AM,
anthraxxxx said…
KL trip masih on or sudah cancel ar meimei?
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