Lang Tengah Trip
ok, lets review bek my Lang Tengah trip...
sayang, me, benny and xiao jun left Malacca around 4pm (8th April 2006; Saturday ). we reached KL 630pm. sayang's mum cooked for us sambal udang, curry chicken, chicken wings, roti jala and ketupat. went over to Hoon Leong's house for dinner. in less den 5minutes, by the time i wanna settle down to eat, half of the sambal udang gone. one ice cream box of sambal udang not enuf sial...muz ask for another box of sambal udang.

roughly 11pm, we left KL and head over to KT. halfway thru the journey, Jack notice sumthing flying and moving in front of his car. and we saw tis........
a bat !!!!
tis bat had been hanging ( kepit ) at Jack's Vios dono for how long...poor thing...
after get rid of it, we continue our journey.
we started to feel sleepy and automatically doze off...except for Jack and Philip la. around 4++ am, jack and philip decided to pump petrol. philip was right behind us. jack reached the petrol station 1st. we got down from the car to stretch our body. there's this unknown wira car park few metres away from us. the very next minute, i saw benny walking towards them and shout "Hoi, dowan pour petrol??"
in my mind i was like 'eh, he dreaming or wat? tats not philip's car la'. so i say "tat wan not philip's car weh". he ignore me and he asked again " Hoi, pour petrol lar!". he fasten his walking speed towards them den tis time i call for him and say " Benny !!! tat wan not Philip ler !!! ". den he stop and look at the car plate oni realised tat he called the wrong person !!! LoL ~!! everyone was laffing so hard till stomach pain!! its 4++ in the morning and all of us laffing so loud at the petrol station like siamang. i remember we were feeling really really sleepy tat time, but afta tat incident and the laffing part itself, we became really really FRESH and not sleepy!! even till now, while im blogging tis part, im still smiling by myself ! Jack says tat if everyday Benny do tat to us, we will be able to build 6 muscles at our setamak ( stomach ).
below will be the illustration about the gas petrol station incident...
if oni i have my own digicam wif me i will record it down and send to America's Funniest Home Videos.
ok, we continue our long journey...den around 6++ am nearing to 7am, we reach Terengganu. but tat doesnt mean we reached the destination, we still have to look for Merang Jetty wic is our final spot at Terengganu.
exactly at 8am, we reached Merang Jetty. park our cars, took our big bags den rest a while...
we took a speedboat and the journey was like 40minutes.
* Me in the speedboat ! ** Me, Sayang & Xiao Jun *
Finally we reached Square Point Lang Tengah !!!! Yay ~!!
* Me ! *

* We Look So Happy ! *

* Me & Sayang *

* So Beautiful !! *

* The Different Layers of Blue - Blue Sea *

* The Night View *

our very first programme will be SNORKELLING !!! at 1st i was kinda nervous cos i had never swim at sea before !! so afta sum training by xiao jun and sayang, i finally manage to overcome my nervous. the water was so blue, so many fishes around. we even feed the fishes with bread.
after one hour of snorkelling, we were asked to leave and head bek to our chalet den had our dinner later on. afta dinner, we rest at our own chalet.
chalet was quite small, not too small. i actually had my leg knock againts the bed 2 times at the same spot !!! in the end i had a very very huge bruise on my right leg.
* 7cm Diameter Bruise ! >_< *
Jack being a real gentleman borrow me his long pants to prevent me from knocking again at the same spot. Thx Jack ^_^
suddenly, we had 2 unwanted guest in our chalet.
* Giant Lizard !!! *
* Two Freaking Big Lizards ! *
in the pic itself it wont look huge, but i swear to God the lizards are so damn freaking huge in real life!! its like a size of sun lizard. i dono whether its a sun lizard or a normal lizard but its really geli !!
we actually asked sumbody else to catch these lizards but they cant manage to get rid of it. so we were left with tis room alone wif two huge lizards moving around. afta few minutes, one of the lizard appear behind the closet. sayang and benny try to get rid of it..u can view the video clip below... ( the video happen to be in a 'landscape' way , but stil can view lar ). wait till it load 100% for a smoother view.
* The Cicak Hunters * and xiao jun was so afraid tat it gonna jump to us wen benny try to hit it with the broom. anyway, they manage to get rid of one, but there's another one wic we have no idea where it went later on..and the very next minute, i heard snooring sound and i myself doze off to dreamland...
"Hoi, wake up lor. eat breakfast ". Philip's voice woke all of us up the next morning and we got ourselves ready and had breakfast.
afta breakfast, another snorkelling around Redang Marine Park !! actually more to the middle of Redang Marine Park.
* See !!! So Beautiful !!! *
* Deep Blue Sea *
according to the boatman, the deepth of the sea where we snorkelling is roughly more den 20 feet! and i cudnt blif im floating at tat 20 feet level itself !!! seriously very very deep wen i swim around. i cud see beautiful corals and fishes.
while i was feeding the fishes, one of the fish actually bit my finger !! >_<
we only had 1hour for snorkelling. 1hour might look long hour to u guys, but it seems to be so short for us! we were asked to leave afta 1hour but the boatman says they wanna bring us to another snorkelling spot. yay~!
* We were having so much fun !! *

there's a few underwater pic we took with a waterproof camera. too bad i donot have the pics wif me now but i'll upload it here once i have it.
wen i got up from the sea, i notice my another finger hurt...
afta snorkelling, we had lunch den rest a while...our next programme will be Jungle Trekking wic is at 530pm.
we saw these wen we were on our Jungle Trekking programme...
* Sand-Man-With-2-Coconut-Tetek *
sum of the pics we took
* meet our 2 frendly assistant *
* Batu Gajah behind us , Look like an elephant *
dinner as usual at night and continue with sleeping programme.
on the last day itself; me, sayang, benny and xiao jun went for snorkelling by ourselves. we swim from the shore to the middle of the sea. guess wat? we saw many many many nemo!!!! they were so cute and gorgeous! how i wish i can catch them and bring bek! LoL ~!
we check out at 11am and leave the island at 1130am. =(
start our driving journey afta lunch around 2pm. we actually stop by at Awana Kijal Terengganu a while. by the time we reached there, afta 5minutes, we saw 2 security chasing afta a cobra snake !!!
* finally they caught the snake *
* look at how happy they are...tats bcos they're viewing my ugly pic in tat camera = SWEAT =
dinner was kinda difficult cos we were desperately hunting for one food..... PORK !!! we had not been fed pork for 3days. moreover, Terengganu is quite hard to get chinese food bcoz Malay population is more den 80% there. so wen we're ask wanna eat wat, the 1st statement tat Benny voice out will be "got cha sau anot? ".
with our determination, we manage to find a foodcourt with chinese stalls. afta dinner, we make our move and head to Kuala Lumpur !!! we reached KL around 3++ am.....
so...wats next?? Photo Galore ~!!!
* at chalet *

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