Ma-Lai-Sia English
so, i went MP with 2 of my sisters; Amy and Wendy yesterday.
decided to get a Nike cap for Karen since her bday coming soon ( she's dying for one Nike cap ). so we went to Sports Station to look for it cos we can't get nice caps at Nike shop. Amy was holding to her drink while walking inside when tis Malay sales assistant approach her and say "Excuse me miss, cannot drink".
den Amy apologise and started to walk out wen i purposely call for her and say in front of the Malay girl "Wei, where u going la? she says CANNOT DRINK only ler. she din say NO DRINKS ALLOWED". =P
its true wat, she says cannot drink oni ma. so wic means u can stay inside the shop and just don drink la. sigh...sad to say tat Malay girl was an ex-ijc girl as well. my junior ... i tink 1-2 years.
i admit my English sux all the time too, but common English like "no drinks allowed" was way too common tat u can see it at most of the shops.
decided to get a Nike cap for Karen since her bday coming soon ( she's dying for one Nike cap ). so we went to Sports Station to look for it cos we can't get nice caps at Nike shop. Amy was holding to her drink while walking inside when tis Malay sales assistant approach her and say "Excuse me miss, cannot drink".
den Amy apologise and started to walk out wen i purposely call for her and say in front of the Malay girl "Wei, where u going la? she says CANNOT DRINK only ler. she din say NO DRINKS ALLOWED". =P
its true wat, she says cannot drink oni ma. so wic means u can stay inside the shop and just don drink la. sigh...sad to say tat Malay girl was an ex-ijc girl as well. my junior ... i tink 1-2 years.
i admit my English sux all the time too, but common English like "no drinks allowed" was way too common tat u can see it at most of the shops.
~* The Only Surviving Nike cap wic is not UGLY *~

am gonna pinjam tis cap for my Bangkok trip. LoL .. =P
oh yeah, b4 i lupa, i was looking thru Karen's taekwondo's pic wen i saw one familiar face in the pic....

can u spot urself Mr Tan? ^_^
Bukan main bergaya our Mr Tan in tat pic =D
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