Degree Results is Officially Out!!!
wake up oni on my pc to cek whether there's any news on our Degree results. Diploma result release few days ago n Degree result is still on d way but dono wen releasing. i ask my college fren Anna wen isit coming out. she was told tis week but not so sure cos she claims tat Stamford staff r jus like okui ( fyi its tortoise )
so tis morning, errr, not really morning, shud be afternoon, i woke up n head to my pc to cek out for any update news. my intuition tells me tat result shud b today. so i load my college webbie and then ... aha!! there it is... Degree result is out. so i mia kanciong cek, manyak takut. sked the result might not be wat my lecturer say. aaaahh.. stupid excell, so slow la the thing load (our results is done in excell form). so wen d excell file is done, i saw my result. thank God thank God. the results r d same as wat my fren n my lecturer inform me earlier. so im GRADUATING soon!! i can't wait to wear my mortar board!!!!! weeeeeee....
thx kor for praying for me so tat i can get thru!! tell God i make it n tell Him how much i appreciate His help in guiding me thru my exams so tat i got my POWAH!
eh...i oso got work hard for it ler...very very hard sumore. kekekek.aaaaahhhh, relief!!! dem relief!!!

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