those were the days....

aaaahhhh....pic is a lil blur cos i've been trying to re-size it smaller a bit. tats y it looks BLUR!! these 4 guys r my old gang where i used to go out wif dem. there r more to my braders. lemme introduce all of them ... d 1st left is Jeffrey, follow up by my beloved brader; Vincent, den the pathetic me in d middle, den Geoffrey on my left side (its ur right for those tat r reading) den lastly how can i forget our fren Aldrin.
i know Aldrin 1st den d rest bcos Aldrin is sum-kind my primary fren?? i wouldnt say i know him tat time but jus by looks cos im from a Convent skewl where his mum is a clerk in our skewl. so wenever afta skewl hours he will come over to our skewl n wait for his mum. (i'll tell u more bout him later). den Aldrin introduce me to Vince n Geoff. but he introduce me thru IRC oni. Jeff?? Jeff is d type tat don IRC. we realy haf a nice chat all d time wif tis 3 buddies. eventhough we noe each other in a short period n oni thru IRC, we chatted like we know each other for a very long time. hhmm...mayb im a person tat mix around easily. kekekek. i remember once wen i was working at Mahkota Parade, Aldrin calls me out of a sudden ( at tat time he don calls me tat much). den i can hear noises around him as though he's at shopping complex o other place. he ask am i working onot tat time. aha! so i guess he might be nearby la. i bluff him told him im not working .

these buddies haf different characters.
Jeffrey is a Muarian. i call him Tai Lou cos he calls me Tai Ka Jie. he's a nice guy. very gentle n soft spoken. very pro in fixing pc and oso a good driver. never hesitate to reject u wen u ask for ur help. n oso....ehem ehem..he has a nice body . beloved god brother; Vincent.... . he's another nice chap tat u definitely can hang out wif! a very helpful guy n cares for ppl a lot. thx to Aldrin, if its not Aldrin i will not haf d chance to haf such a nice brother! last time he's very shy, but once u get to know him very well, he can be ur becok partnet jus like me n him now.wakakka. he's oso a good listener. d way he toks at times r farny. like cartoon. miss him a lot!! never regret to haf him as my god brother!! !!
Geoffrey is another chap wic teached me Tamil language. he calls me pandi ( wic means pig!!). times he will crack stupid jokes n his body movement will makes u laff.heard he gonna marry soon. congrats wor...
ehem ehem Aldrin's turn. he times tok to him can cekik darah d 1st time i noe him i address him as Mr Main Tiang..not puki tiang ar...cos hor,last timr primary afta skewl while waiting for his mum to finish work he will go around d tiang jus outside his mum's oppice. tats d time i say y tis budak so heran. but we didnt tok to each other la. den i bump into him again in one of my tuition during high skewl. den i bump into him again in IRC n tats d time i noe him lo....den now we r still frens.
these r d bunch of fellows i used to hang out last time. but now all of us bz wif our task, we hardly meet. miss those days.... eventhough we hardly meet, but i'll alw cherish d cweet memories!!!
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