Love Quote of the Day
Be brave, young lovers, and follow your star.
Oscar Hammerstein II

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Hard Work Doesnt Pay!

i've learned tat hard work doesnt pay at times....sigh...i remember wen i was in Form 5, i simply hate my Science subject a lot! i prefer AddMaths and Accounts den Science. but hating tat subject doesnt mean u must totally ignore the subject. so wen my SPM exam is near, i struggle real hard for Science paper. i skip my sleeping hours n continuously study tat subject till d next day. b4 a day for d Science paper, i revise bek rounds n rounds. n my hard work did pay wic I obtained an A for the paper. yes,tat freak me happy. but, sad to say not all hard work a final semester student taking Computer Science subject in Stamford College Malacca. there's a Basic & Core subject paper wic i have to obtain a C+ in order to exceed 2.0 for my B&C. unfortunately, i was told tat i oni obtained a C!!! i put a lot effort on d paper, struggle really hard for it, eversince d 1st day of tat semester i did revision on it....everyday NEVER a miss to study d subject. wen d examination is near, i study rounds n rounds too..but sad to say i've oni obtained C. wic means im not eligible PASS. *sigh* im not d type of person tat noes how to 'butter' or 'polish people...unlike 'sum' of them tat simply jus 'butter' lecturer in order to prayers are not answered as well...very very sad....remark? did thought of remarking...but our so called LIC ( a senior lecturer) he definitely will say NO! wen I 1st step into Stamford College, I find tat senior lecturer is a nice guy. but as i stay more n more longer in tat stupid college, i find out tat he's not a nice chap afterall. tis college full of BIAS lecturers...n they start to hav d habit of sucking money. i even heard lotsa students n sum lecturers toking bout tis senior for those tat decide to study Stamford College Malacca, my advice would be NO. the old Stamford College Malacca n the new Stamford College Malacca is not d same anymore.
well, d good news is, tis time they offer a resit system. oni tis time... tis is d 3rd time they offer tis system. its call Kursus Semasa Cuti Panjang (KSCP).

KSCP, in short, means in some special cases, a final-year-final-semester student is allowed to RESIT certain subjects in April 2005 in order to graduate.

The special case is this - the student must be a BORDERLINE case.

For Example,
Case 1: CGPA 1.95 above BUT below 2.00
Case 2: Basic and Core CGPA 1.95 and above BUT below 2.00
Case 3: Any language courses or TITAS courses below 'C' grade.

Somewhere end of March, all the Stamford SOCS centres and USM will decide on what exams to offer for the KSCP.

so please expect only a few subjects being offered.
at the most.

Tuition (Revision) 2-Week period = 25/4/05-7/5/05 (classes conducted in SCM)
Exam 1-Week period = 9/5/05-14/5/05


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