2 days in a row
Saturday 23July2005
woke up at about 850am. brush my teeth, had a short shower. dress up and waited for my sayang to come and pick me at 940am. whoah, u guys muzt be wondering, go where so early huh? go WORK la! yeah, im working at 10am today. still cant get used to the early wake up. moreover, been having difficulties to slept last nite. golek golek around. tink i manage to doze off...err...2++ or 3++ am. and also becos of the cool weather, even makes me more harder to wake up tat morning. bu t no choice, work still have to carry on.
reach MP around 955am. waited for my supervisor to come and open shop. once the shop is open, the usual daily work began. sweeping the floor, arrange book, arrange comics, arrange magazines etc etc etc. after finish everything, went to toilet to wash my hands cos its superb dusty. the next door guys was surprised to see me so early and ask "eh, u not working at 7pm wan mer?". don be kepo lar. of cos i didnt say tat to them lar, in my heart oni lar. these notti bunch of fellows wont let me go unless they kacau kacau me first. at times they will ask me "ke yi ma" (in English means can or not). i oso blur, wat they mean by can or not? den at times they'll use these red color torchlight to highlight highlight at me. have no idea wat they do tat. kesian me, at college oso kena buwee at working place oso kena buwee. even at times wanna go toilet ( cos wen i need to go to toilet, i need to pass by their working place) i will make sure they're not around den i will fasten my walk to the damn toilet.
was yawning all the way, waiting for time to pass by. finally its 2pm, went to get my lunch. den settle down to makan. aaaahh, makan time passes by damn fast! 3pm, start working bek.
of cos wen working time u kenot avoid urself by goin to toilet. went to toilet, hoping those notti guys not around. phew...den come out from toilet saw them,one of them asking for my name but i didnt respon.....
Mr.Kang, one of SFI and IJC teacher, used to come Thai Kuang every Saturday. so i waited for him cos wanna kacau kacau him a bit. damn long time didnt see him dy. wait wait and wait, but he didnt show up. must be raining outside or smth else lar. damn miss tat sir, last time wen i started to work Thai Kuang, i didnt know he will show up at my working place. den wen we saw each other, he will shout from the main Thai Kuang door and say "Eh u working here ar!". den he will talk to me while unwrapping those magazines, tell me his stories this and tat. there's one embarassing moment wen i was watching the customers, he came in front of me and there's this guy wearing a BUM shirt with the big sign "BUM" behind his t-shirt. Mr.Kang saw it and say out loud "BUM, BUM is piku (English=bontot)". den i say "sir! sshhhh". den he can continue saying loudly "yalah, Bum is bontot mer". den i keep quiet and giggling and he continue looking for his favourite magazines and take opportunity to unwrap it. last time he used to buy us kuih before he come over. of cos we have to pay, he so damn kiam siap wan. surprisingly i didnt BUMp into him today.
hahaha, not oni will BUMp into him at my working place. last time. Form 4 and 5 time, me and Sharon and few of my gang gang will cycle around Ujong Pasir evening time. at times we will BUMp into him too. he stay near my house. sumtimes u'll see him in his jalopy motorbike or racing bike. he's roughly 60++ and he still can macho-ing cycle a racing bike. mai siao siao. den wen he say us he will say "Hei!!!" as usual with his loud tones. den everyone will be looking at us weirdly. not oni evening time, but early in the morning, wen im about to go to school at about 645am, pushing my mountainbike out, i will saw him cycle pass by my house. he's a very strong man. wondering wat happen to him..... hhmmm...
finish work at 7pm. went to toilet with this Malay gal (my colleague) cos she want me to help her carry her helmet and bag. so i waited for her outside the toilet. den as usual, i dono wats with this next-door-guys, giggling and watching me. one of them is a Malay guy. so i ask him "eh u suka budak Melayu tu eh". den he say "tarak lar" while pointing to these Chinese guy as if telling me sumthing. i suan siao him bek saying "jgn tipu lar, suka cakap jer lar". u wanna play with me i kasi u malu balik.

waited for my sayang to come and pick me. hop into his car den waited for his family to come over to town for dinner. decided to had Baba Nyonya food. order ayam pong teh, chap chai, asam pedas fish and ladies finger. i had bubur cha cha for dessert while my sayang and his mum had cendol instead.
after makan, was kinda tired. so i ask my sayang to send me bek while he go and meet his frens for gaming session. tomolo working 1pm to 10pm. need to get more rest!
reach home, mandi, dry up my hair. around 11pm, Jessica called me and ask whether im free onot. i ask why and she told me she's at Friends Cafe and her sister car suddenly kenot start wor. she was wondering whether i can send her home instead. seriously i wanna help her but im freaking tired (mentally-tak ckup tido smlm, and physically-especially my legs!), i have no choice but to say "sorry, i just reached home and im tired." so shy case man. sorry Jess....
hang up the fon, and pop to bed...zzzzz....
Sunday 24July 2005
went to work, numbers of customers were so-so. damn bloody cold!the stupiak management go and on the air cond so kuat entah buat hapa. sumore the air cond flow down from our shop 1st. jacket doesnt help, still so cold. went to toilet. tot of an idea, dry my hands under these dryer. so i warm my hands under these dryer thing. hehehe.... warming my hands halfway den saw one of the guys working next to my shop (the dryer was jus rite at the door of the toilet, wic means u can see outside clearly and ppl can see u too).aiyah, so suey wan. so i buat bolo and as usual he use this red karer torch light buat kaciao. wen he step into the gent's washroom, i faster walk bek to my working place. aisayman, even in the jamban oso mo buat kacau.....
stomach started to grumble roughly 3++. start to get hungry, never took breakfast or lunch just now. counting time... *tick tick tick*. was deciding wanna eat wat. foodcourt food ?? yerrr, gerli lar. fast food? hhmmm.... i tink i'll go for mcD instead. mcD eat wat ler? quater pounder? or mayb double cheese burger? ahh, kenot cos they got put onion, will make my mouth smelly. so i change to mcChicken in stead. wah, superb hungry sial...*kroak kroak kroak*
finally its 5pm!! grab my money and head to mcD. my mind was like "mcD im coming, mcD im coming, come to mama". was hoping not much customers cos i hate to queue. luky the queue wasnt tat long. get the shortest queue and order my meal. pay and left. was munching on my fries while walking to my working place to settle down and have a nice rest PLUS makan. cant avoid passing by those guys shop, have to pass by too, walk by and one of them shouting for my name. i turn bek and one of them pointing to the other guy(wic kacau me in the toilet earlier). i just walk off lar... sampat ppl
finish makan time, start my work. not much customers left, must be all heading home to prepare for dinner or sum other programmes. *tick tick tick*. time passes by damn slow. damn it, started to get hungry again!! must be my 'aunty coming'. tinking wanna eat wat for supper..hhmm, suddenly tot of nasi lemak. wen its 945p, close shop. finaly finally~! told my sayang to go over to hensom's mamak den order milo panas with nasi lemak PLUS ayam rendang! siok~! didnt finish the milo cos superb full...
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