irritating sickness
my face is BURNING and i can feel the heat eventhough after a cold shower.
look at the mirror and my face was so RED! my throat was so itchy and my nose really irritate me. yeah, im SICK AGAIN!! fever + cough + flu. sigh, the last time i fell sick was last month! last month weh!! and b4 the last month, i did sick too!! its like im sick for so many times. my God~!
well, yesterday i had a lil cough, den feel like wanna get fever like tat. so i told myself to have a nice rest cos the nx day (wic is today-Saturday) i have to work from 1pm-10pm.
wen i woke up, i feel ok ok. jus minor cough. went to work. den start to get flu. damn it!body start to get weak. customers giving me headache.
wen i was working just now, there's this family walk in and tok in Cantonese. and they ask for Malacca map. so i assume they're KL ppl or where else lar. i cek for Malacca map and not even one left so i told them sold out. and this 'wife' freak out and say "Har, no more ar? do u know where to get in tis building?". i said try MPH. they say they find out there too but not available too. den i say no more bookstore in this building dy. they ask me any idea where is 'Shouthern Meridian Hotel. i shake my head. Southern Hotel? i shake again. Meridian Hotel? i shake for the third time. the hotel sounds very familiar but i have no idea where it is.
later on they ask me where to get map if out of this building. i say im not sure the other branch have it onot. they ask me to cek out for them. so i ask my supervisor whether the other branch still have it and she say no stock dy. wen i told them no stock left, the 'wife' look at me with her big eyes and big wide mouth open and the funny thing is, his 'husband' say tenkiu to me so many times using his hand - u noe wen we say Gong Xi Fa Cai, we will use our hands clasp together. yeah, as though i help to save his life from a robbery or any accident case. so i told them to go over to Popular mayb they can get maps there instead. they ask where isit i say Bachang. and the 'husband' says "any high chances for me to find any bachang there?". i was like huh? den his wife says "wat he meant was rice dumpling". lolz.
so after they left, i crack my brain and asking where is tat hotel they mention. very familiar but suddenly kenot think where it is. after half an hour of struggling squeezing my brain, i finally came out wif Straits Meridian Hotel! too bad they left earlier.
den after few hours, there's this aunty walk in with her hair sprinkle a bit of tinsels- u noe wen attending sumkind of funtion or dinner they will ask to design their hair and spray a bit of colorful 'dust'. behind her was tis man wic i don tink so is her husband. den she cal for me and speak to me in Mandarin.
Aunty:Xiao Jie, u noe where to find correction tape?
i show her the place where she can find the correction tape.
den again she ask;
Aunty: den hor, u noe where to find pai-rot pen?
i got blur and say to myself pai-rot?
Me: aunty u mean pilot pen ar?
Aunty: yeah yeah, pilot pen, i wanna buy the refill.
Me:which refil u wan? G1, G2, G3 or G-Tech? (pilot range from these models)
Aunty: tat wan tekan tekan wan ler
Me:we have two types of tekan tekan wan; G2 and G-Tech. which wan wor? i show u the pilot pen area u cek wic one ok?
den i bring her to pilot pen stand and she find for it.
Aunty:ah, this wan lar. G1.
* in my heart, "aunty, jus now u say tekan tekan wan. now u say G1 wic is not tekan tekan wan. sure onot boh?"
Me: u confirm hor aunty?
Aunty:of cos lar, i use wan sure i noe wan.
*ok lor. i go get for u lor. den wen i reach for the G1 refil, she says*
Aunty: eh no lar xiao jie, i tink G2 wan lar
* huh? -____-" (piak my own forehead)*
Me: den u wan 0.5 or 0.7 refil? ( pilot refills for 0.5 and 0.7)
Aunty: the smooth wan 0.5.
*sure onot?0.7 smooth wan ler"
Me:aunty , confirm hor 0.5
Aunty:yes yes,0.5, eh no lar 0.7.
*i got even more confuse and headache*
den she was toking to me about the stupiak refills etc, the man tat follows her start to interrupt
Man: wats the different of these two marker pens ar?
*its the same lar u old dickhead!cant u see im in d middle of toking here*
Me:its the same, permanent marker.
wen i was telling tat dickhead man bout the marker pen, this aunty beside me keeps on nagging toking non stop.
pening pening pening.
i settle everyting ASAP cos im about to go out for dinner.
after dinner, the magazines portion was in an extreme mess! so i clear up and arange the magazines properly. im the type tat kenot tahan messy place. even my sayang's closet i help him to arrange the clothes etc. all d time wen im at his place. his rainbow colorful of spenders will be in a total mess. shirts all not hang up. kenot see it with my eyes so i help him to clear up. sayang, if u're reading tis, make sure u clear up by 2ml, if 2ml i see stil in d mess, u will kena from me!lolz~!
finish work went to Jonker walk. body was ok at 1st. till wen we(me,sayang,Chris,Christina,Luis and Felicia) settle down and drink 'tong sui'. i didnt drink cos i don feel like drinking. den as time goes by, my body start to heat up, i can feel my own face burning and my breath a bit hot, keeps on coughing too. i told my sayang i have to drink teh pahit asap or else i cant sleep tat nite. so we left the place earlier and went to get my teh pahit. i ask for cough teh pahit and one small bowl cost me RM2.80. drank pretty fast cos its superb bitter! iyewwww~!
feel a lil better after drinking it. i mean my throat not so itchy but my face is still burning.
ok, i rest dy. ciaoz!

well, yesterday i had a lil cough, den feel like wanna get fever like tat. so i told myself to have a nice rest cos the nx day (wic is today-Saturday) i have to work from 1pm-10pm.
wen i woke up, i feel ok ok. jus minor cough. went to work. den start to get flu. damn it!body start to get weak. customers giving me headache.
wen i was working just now, there's this family walk in and tok in Cantonese. and they ask for Malacca map. so i assume they're KL ppl or where else lar. i cek for Malacca map and not even one left so i told them sold out. and this 'wife' freak out and say "Har, no more ar? do u know where to get in tis building?". i said try MPH. they say they find out there too but not available too. den i say no more bookstore in this building dy. they ask me any idea where is 'Shouthern Meridian Hotel. i shake my head. Southern Hotel? i shake again. Meridian Hotel? i shake for the third time. the hotel sounds very familiar but i have no idea where it is.
later on they ask me where to get map if out of this building. i say im not sure the other branch have it onot. they ask me to cek out for them. so i ask my supervisor whether the other branch still have it and she say no stock dy. wen i told them no stock left, the 'wife' look at me with her big eyes and big wide mouth open and the funny thing is, his 'husband' say tenkiu to me so many times using his hand - u noe wen we say Gong Xi Fa Cai, we will use our hands clasp together. yeah, as though i help to save his life from a robbery or any accident case. so i told them to go over to Popular mayb they can get maps there instead. they ask where isit i say Bachang. and the 'husband' says "any high chances for me to find any bachang there?". i was like huh? den his wife says "wat he meant was rice dumpling". lolz.
so after they left, i crack my brain and asking where is tat hotel they mention. very familiar but suddenly kenot think where it is. after half an hour of struggling squeezing my brain, i finally came out wif Straits Meridian Hotel! too bad they left earlier.
den after few hours, there's this aunty walk in with her hair sprinkle a bit of tinsels- u noe wen attending sumkind of funtion or dinner they will ask to design their hair and spray a bit of colorful 'dust'. behind her was tis man wic i don tink so is her husband. den she cal for me and speak to me in Mandarin.
Aunty:Xiao Jie, u noe where to find correction tape?
i show her the place where she can find the correction tape.
den again she ask;
Aunty: den hor, u noe where to find pai-rot pen?
i got blur and say to myself pai-rot?
Me: aunty u mean pilot pen ar?
Aunty: yeah yeah, pilot pen, i wanna buy the refill.
Me:which refil u wan? G1, G2, G3 or G-Tech? (pilot range from these models)
Aunty: tat wan tekan tekan wan ler
Me:we have two types of tekan tekan wan; G2 and G-Tech. which wan wor? i show u the pilot pen area u cek wic one ok?
den i bring her to pilot pen stand and she find for it.
Aunty:ah, this wan lar. G1.
* in my heart, "aunty, jus now u say tekan tekan wan. now u say G1 wic is not tekan tekan wan. sure onot boh?"
Me: u confirm hor aunty?
Aunty:of cos lar, i use wan sure i noe wan.
*ok lor. i go get for u lor. den wen i reach for the G1 refil, she says*
Aunty: eh no lar xiao jie, i tink G2 wan lar
* huh? -____-" (piak my own forehead)*
Me: den u wan 0.5 or 0.7 refil? ( pilot refills for 0.5 and 0.7)
Aunty: the smooth wan 0.5.
*sure onot?0.7 smooth wan ler"
Me:aunty , confirm hor 0.5
Aunty:yes yes,0.5, eh no lar 0.7.
*i got even more confuse and headache*
den she was toking to me about the stupiak refills etc, the man tat follows her start to interrupt
Man: wats the different of these two marker pens ar?
*its the same lar u old dickhead!cant u see im in d middle of toking here*
Me:its the same, permanent marker.
wen i was telling tat dickhead man bout the marker pen, this aunty beside me keeps on nagging toking non stop.
pening pening pening.
i settle everyting ASAP cos im about to go out for dinner.
after dinner, the magazines portion was in an extreme mess! so i clear up and arange the magazines properly. im the type tat kenot tahan messy place. even my sayang's closet i help him to arrange the clothes etc. all d time wen im at his place. his rainbow colorful of spenders will be in a total mess. shirts all not hang up. kenot see it with my eyes so i help him to clear up. sayang, if u're reading tis, make sure u clear up by 2ml, if 2ml i see stil in d mess, u will kena from me!lolz~!
finish work went to Jonker walk. body was ok at 1st. till wen we(me,sayang,Chris,Christina,Luis and Felicia) settle down and drink 'tong sui'. i didnt drink cos i don feel like drinking. den as time goes by, my body start to heat up, i can feel my own face burning and my breath a bit hot, keeps on coughing too. i told my sayang i have to drink teh pahit asap or else i cant sleep tat nite. so we left the place earlier and went to get my teh pahit. i ask for cough teh pahit and one small bowl cost me RM2.80. drank pretty fast cos its superb bitter! iyewwww~!
feel a lil better after drinking it. i mean my throat not so itchy but my face is still burning.
ok, i rest dy. ciaoz!
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