~ HaPPy VaLenTiNe's DaY ~

Today, it is a day for love and romance, a day for young hearts.
A day of romance, Valentine's day is celebrated on February 14th every year as the birthday of St. Valentine. The Catholic Church believes that there were at least three different saints who martyred themselves for humankind, named Saint Valentine or Saint Valentinus. Some believe that the patron saint of this day hails from 3rd century Rome, where marriages had been outlawed by Emperor Claudius II, who thought that since single men made better soldiers, young men should remain single to equip him with a better army. One of the priests named Valentine thought it to be a great injustice towards young hearts and continued to perform marriages for young lovers in secret. However, his actions were discovered and Claudius put him to death. Other version of the legend suggests that he was killed because he attempted to help Christians escape from Roman prisons where they were tortured and beaten.
Another legend suggests that Valentine fell in love with the jailor's daughter while in prison and wrote her a letter signed as 'From your Valentine,' an expression still in vogue. Whatever be the case, by the Middle Ages, Valentine was one of the most popular saints looked upon as a heroic and romantic figure in England and France. It was then that it was decided that his birthday should be celebrated as a day for romance, the purpose to which he devoted his life.
me and sayang exchange presents few days ago. i got him tis...

a Carlo Rino couple watch. our very first couple watch was a Casio digital watch, which we still used it till now. it never strike my mind to get a watch for sayang, till there were once i went out with Fiona and Sharon and Fiona pass us tis Carlo Rino catalogue. wen i was flipping thru tat catalogue, suddenly my eye stop at the watch section. slowly i analyse the various collection of watches and i spotted tis couple watch. so i told myself y don i get one for both of us? brilliant idea! i purchased it later on...
meanwhile, sayang got me tis...
a gold anklet!! i used to have a gold anklet too...but sumthing happen till i 'lost' it!! we bought tis anklet together cos he's afraid he might choose the type of pattern wic i don like.
wat about flowers, chocolates and soft toys??? i used to be a naive girl tat desperately wanted so much flowers on Valentine's day. till i realised tat its a waste of money. in my previous relationship wic had been goin for nearly 5 years (tis might be a sensitive case to 'sumone' wen i mentioned bout my past relationship =P ) i used to received lotsa big bouquet of flowers. not only from 'him' but sumone else too. i cud still remember the scent of roses in my room, but once its dead i have no choice but to throw them away. at 1st i do not have the heart to throw them away, but since its a past history, i decided to throw these dead flowers away. apart of tat reason, these dead flowers became stinky and oso had been inviting mosquitoes.
so wats the point to have flowers den let them layu in front of you and keep the stinky smell in ur room? wasted huh? tats from my own opinion, but i noe girls loves flowers a lot.
chocolates? forget bout it, i have plenty of chocolates in my fridge now. sum CNY gifts by my relatives.
soft toys? i have no idea where to keep them in future since i have lots of them now.
* xMaS PrEzzIeS * * CoLLecTiOn oF MaShI mArO - range from GIANT to DWARFS *
anyway, sayang promised to cook me spagetthi tis coming Friday since im not working on tat day. yay~!!
before sayang bought tat anklet for me, i was following him around to cek on new hp. he wanna get one new hp set for himself. there's two models tat he's interested....Sony Ericson K700i and Motorola RAZR V3. finally he bought these...

Motorola RAZR V3 ( a black casing) . so slim n slender! and oso fragile....sayang was so hook up to tat hp till he ignore me >.<
there's one time i was playing wif his new-gf-hp, he warn me to be extra careful with it -__-
hoon leong was wif us too wen we're doin our shopping. he even got himself sumthing, a Casio watch. too bad i din bring my camera along, otherwise i can post the pic here too.he's so good in bargain-ing. he manage to ask tat sales promoter to give him RM50-RM60 discount. bukan main hebat!! i tink apart of the reason he was given such a big discount becos tat sales promoter happen to be a GIRL!!! together wif Hoon Leong's style in buaya-ing, tat GIRL got carried away and straight away gave him RM50-RM60 discount. =P
will be signing off...ciaoz....
At 2:33 AM,
anthraxxxx said…
The other gigantic mashimaro given by "some one" brings back alot of memories to korkor too.
At 12:08 PM,
Tricia said…
-______- "
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