Penang and Langkawi
yeah yeah, as usual im the blur gal whereby i have no sense of direction and can't make a good decision. sayang always calls me Lost Pony or Confuse Pony =__=
i tink i'll make tis entry a short wan lah. steady?
ok lor, since Bang-cock doesnt welcome us, so we finally decided to head over to Penang and Langkawi instead lor.
there's no proper arrangement been done also. oni verbally conversation on d fon and plan to meet at KL 1st. we din book any hotel at Penang, but we did book a hotel at Langkawi.
since Benny recently tie a knot to a new 'gurl', Benny suggest to bring his new-second-wife along. so we met up at Uptown around 5++ pm.
left KL asap and head over to Penang.
~ Benny happily polishing his second wife ~
reach Penang roughly 10++ and settle down at one food court to have a nice dinner.
~Big Fat Juicy Orh-Jian~
~ Chicken Feet !!! Everybody's favourite!! But not MINE!! ~
i wanted to try tis chicken feet food, but i seriously got no guts to eat it!! looks geli to me lah.
so Benny says "wen u wanna eat, u don treat tis like chicken feet".
"den wanna treat it as wat? ", i answered.
he pause a while den continue "easy, treat tis like a baby hand!".
eeeeeeewwwww!! so geli!!! =__=!
afta our yummy dinner, we drop by at this Penang style Satay Celup!!
~ Penang Satay Celup . Similiar to KL style ~
~ us ~
~ Benny chewing his Jelly Fish ~
after dinner, we drop by at Gurney Drive to take a short stroll.

~ me and him ~
we were enjoying the cool breeze and chatting all the way when we realised its 2++ am and we haven't even book a hotel.
so, again, we start our journey to hunt for a hotel. manage to get a reasonble hotel since we oni need to sleep for like 4hours and leave the next day to Langkawi.

~ the view from our hotel . looks like our Malacca Heeren Street ~
we check-out around 7++am and start hunting for breakfast.

~ my breakfast . Prawn Mee ~

before we left for Langkawi, Benny did ask around wat other nice places tat we can drop by at Penang. we were told to visit Kek Lok Si Temple and Bukit Bendera.
so after our heavy breakfast, we continue our plan and head over to Bukit Bendera 1st. it was raining tat day. bad bad day. but mother nature did bless us, wen we reach Bukit Bendera, the rain stopped.

~ the main entrance to Bukit Bendera~

~ waiting for our train ~
train was moving very slow till i nearly doze off!! it takes roughly 1 hour to reach the top of Bukit Bendera.

~ 4 of us ~

~ the only Indian Temple at Bukit Bendera ~
since time is running out, we quikly make our move and start driving to Kek Lok Si temple.
wen we're about to reach Kek Lok Si, we saw one food stall wic really have lotsa customers.
and u noe wat stall isit?

~ Penang Asam Laksa!! ~
go Penang must la try this. tis uncle is very busy and very pro too. u shud see the way he cook. damn fast!

~ our Penang Asam Laksa ~
another specialitiy :

~ Fried Ice ~

~ Pohpia ~
after lunch itself, we make our way to Kek Lok Si temple.

~ the huge Kwan Yin statue ~
still under renovation.

~ The Beautiful Goddess ~
the right side of Kek Lok Si temple is under renovation. so they were having this donation thing whereby we were ask to donate an amount of cash den we will get our names written on the .. dono call wat. but picture will tell u wat it is...

~ sayang writing his name ~

~ The Output ~

~ We Will Be Blessed! ~
since we wanna catch the earliest Ferry to Langkawi asap, we left Kek Lok Si and headed north to Langkawi.
manage to get a 630pm Ferry tiket and here we are!!

~ We reach ady! ~
the 1st thing we need to do now is to rent a car. and we got ourselves a Hyundai Accent car for RM50...3days 2night.
drive to our hotel, settle ourselves and hunt for dinner.
we stop by at this seafood restaurant.

~ Tang Lung Seafood Restaurant ~

~ The Restaurant ~

~ Fish with Sotong ~

~ Soup, Vege and Mantis Prawn (Lai Liew Har) ~
total damage for our dinner was like nearing to RM100? i cudnt remember the amount but all we noe is we're happy bout it and we doesnt wanna kira-kira on tis. we doesnt wan to ruin our trip.
we did some rounding and later on we went back to our hotel to have a nice deep sleep.
lets just get into the pictures instead, the very next day...

~ cek it out the beautiful yatch ~

~ in the Gondola ~
~ we r high up in the sky!! surrounded by clouds!! very cold and windy ~
~ 4 of us ~
~ rabbits everywhere! ~
~ this deer practically likes guys a lot ~
~ Benny's turn, Benny is enjoying ~
~ kanciong sial ~
~ this croc was born cacat. teethless. oni eat blended meat ~
~ Mr.Croc-Boxer ~
~ Pasir Hitam ~
~ Air Panas ~
~ Do they look alike? ~
~ us; before we left Hotel Helang ~
since we din get to Bangkok and didnt have the chance to try ori Thai food, den we stop at this Thai Restaurant whereby the owner is from Thailand.
~ sizzling sambal prawn with pandan chicken ~
~ tomyam soup. Banyak oommph ! ~
~ sambal sotong ~
~ TGIF beef bacon burger. met up with Benny n Xiao Jun before they left for Mlk ~
let's see wat we bought ...
~ i bought one Lancome Hypnose perfume for myself. to match with sayang's CK Eternity ~
~ sayang bought liquor and wine ~
~ me bought CHOCOLATES !!! Beryls my most favourite !! sum for my family and frens. spend RM100++ on 'them' ~
~ lovely heart shape chocolates ~

~ Benny bought tis Black Devil cigarrate. Vanilla taste. he bought different types of cigarrate taste too, chocolate, vanilla, apple, strawberry, lemon etc...member high ady ~
i wish to upload more pics and explain more on my trips but im way too lazy !
so guys, wen is the next trip and to where? Kota Kinabalu? =)
At 5:06 PM,
Wilson Chin said…
nice review on the Kek Lok Si temple, i plan to go there soon, so need to do some research on the net first :)
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