Friday, February 02, 2007

Wei Xiao Pasta - Smiling Pasta

my colleague a.k.a Old Chai ( her surname is Chai and we name her Old Chai becoz she toks like mak nenek ) borrow me one Taiwan show " Wei Xiao Pasta ".

acted by Nicholes Teo and Cyndi Wang.

im not a big fan of Nicholas Teo or Cyndi Wang. I oni heard few songs from both of them.

till wen i start to watch this series, i started to fall in love with Nicholes Teo's smile. awwww, his smile definitely melts my heart away.

and he's so cool, cute and soft spoken.

yesterday, it was a public holiday for KL. so me, Old Chai and few of my colleagues went to KL for shopping. since Old Chai is so damn good in recommending Taiwan shows, i ask her to help me to look for Wei Xiao Pasta VCD or if possible, DVD will be better.

we went to few shops wic selling kinda expensive till we stop at one shop and tats it, i manage to get 30% discount for purchasing this Wei Xiao DVD. im so freaking happy that time will my colleagues says i might cramp my jaw muscle becoz keep on smiling all d way -___-"

so i went back and watch this series till around 1am ++.

and now im so sleeeeeeepppyyyy ....... zzzzzzz


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