Rebecca vs Randal
i finish download the finale season 4 apprentice and jus finish watching this series.
the final 2 will be Rebecca from Capital Edge and Randal from Excel team. both are really 'hot cookies' , tats wat Donald Trump address them. and thru out these 4th season episodes, together with the previous seasons, i seriously have to admit these 2 candidates are the hottest and smartest candidates. imagine, choosing 2 nice house wic is fully equip wif furnitures, lighting etc etc and was so superb tat u are having difficulties to choose wic is ur idol house to be ur home sweet home. same goes out to Donald Trump wic he have to bang his head several times at the wall to figure out who to choose to be his Apprentice.
lets brief a bit bout these 2 smart ass candidates! we shall begin wif Rebecca first...ladies first ma...
Rebecca, 23, was named "One of 20 Teens Who Will Change the World" by Teen People magazine in February 2000 and was awarded a Point of Light by President Clinton. She graduated with honors from the University of Chicago, earning degrees in economics and pre-law. As a Chicago-based investment banker, she structured mergers and acquisitions, as well as equity and debt transactions. Prior to that, she traded short-term interest rate options on Citigroup's foreign exchange desk in London. Outside of business, Rebecca founded a non-profit organization, raising over $750,000 to support disenfranchised children. In conjunction with this effort, she lobbied state and federal government officials, speaking at a wide range of national conferences and sharing the stage with Al Gore and Colin Powell, among others. She also reported on-air, wrote and helped produce hard news, features, and entertainment segments for a weekly show on an NBC affiliate in her hometown of Minneapolis. She is currently a financial journalist in Chicago.
she broke her ankle on the very 1st week, but tat doesnt stop her from goin thru the pain. she convince Donald Trump tat wif her broken ankle, she will prove to him she can make it thru out all the 13th week. she had been carrying crutches for the whole 13 weeks and never give up in all the assignment been given by Donald Trump. proves tat she's a strong gal huh? imagine at the age of 23 u have to go thru all this obstacles , and she's a GIRL....pretty strong ...her loyalty impress Donald Trump a lot whereby there's a case she stood up for Toral (her team member) eventhough the other members start attacking Toral.Randal, 34, is the founder, president and CEO of his fifth venture "BCT Partners," a multi-million dollar management, technology and policy consulting firm based in Newark, N.J., that works with corporations, government agencies, philanthropic and nonprofit organizations. Born in Philadelphia and raised in Hightstown, N.J., he holds five academic degrees in engineering, business and technology including a B.S. from Rutgers University, an M.S. from the University of Oxford in England as a Rhodes Scholar, and an M.S., M.B.A. and Ph.D. from MIT. A former college championship track and field athlete, he has received numerous awards for his accomplishments as an entrepreneur and technologist including the National Society of Black Engineers "National Member of the Year." A Leadership New Jersey Fellow and Next Generation Leadership Fellow, Randal has been featured by Black Enterprise magazine and Ebony magazine in their "30 Leaders of the Future" issue. He is a proud member of First Baptist Church in Somerset, N.J., where he resides and is happily married to his wife Zahara.
he's the STAR from the very first day till the last week. he's very very cool and confident in making decisions. the death of his beloved grandmother (if im not mistaken on the 1st or 2nd say of his assignment week) never fail him from goin thru the 13th week interview.
the very final week, both candidate were ask to bring back 3 old members. Randal choose Mark, Josh and Marshaw, meanwhile Rebecca pick Chris, James and Toral. choosing Toral really freak Donald Trump, cos she's like a disaster to the group, but Rebecca is very confident with her own decision. Toral too, never give up in helping Rebecca and she really prove to the others she can make it too.
tough decision finally...who's the next Apprentice???
wen i watched the very 1st epi of season 4 Apprentice, i told myself Randal sure gonna be Donald Trump's choice. den came Rebecca, another strong and independant 23 year old gal wif a broken ankle.
the decision finally released.........
*drum rolls.....curtains up*
the Season 4 Apprentice....goes to.........
congrats be frank, actually Donald Trump wanna hire BOTH!!! i repeat BOTH!!! yes, Randal and Rebecca.
wen Donald Trump says "Randal, u're hired" he asked Randal wat he thought bout Rebecca. he says she's a very strong bla bla bla gal. den the second ques he ask Randal, "if u are me, will u hire Rebecca as well??". Randal start to point out tat it was supposed to be An Apprentice, not Appren-tide. so Donald Trump have no choice but to pik him alone. wasted! or else he has two Apprentice tis season, wic makes it so unique.
At 5:15 AM,
anthraxxxx said…
Oh yeah meimei, korkor mia adik cakap cartoon yang meimei mau tu takde. But dia cakap ada cartoon disney xmas yang lain.
At 1:06 PM,
Tricia said…
owh....tats way too bad... *tsk tsk*...guess we have to hunt it at Singapore...*booo hoooo*
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