tiring day...
woke up bout 10++am....didnt really haf a nice sleep. woke up oni my neck so pain. strain my neck while im sleeping. brush teeth, took shower n get prepared to bring my sis, Wendy out cos she wanna do hair straightening. so i drove all the way to Batu Berendam wic is a 10km distance from my place. oh God...car air cond broke down again!!! the heat was like as if u're in a oven... sumore outside so damn hot!!!
reach tat saloon me n my sis went in to cek it out d pricing. the saloon lady told us RM280 wic include one shampoo, one conditioner, one hair sprayer n one hair mask to stim the hair. its very very reasonable. i remember tat time i did hair straightening for RM250 exclusive of those 4 items. its a promotion price. so i drop my sis at the hair saloon ( bcos hair straightening procedures takes about 3-4 hours.so wat am i doin there 3-4 hours?) so i call up my bestfren Sharon to cek it out she's at home onot. cos she stays near tat place so i decide to drop by at her place rather den goin bek to my place wic is 10km drive. i went to her house but she told me tat she's goin out a while more fetch her sisters n mum to work, by motorbike. i was like how u gonna fetch them wif a motorbike. she told me to n fro lo... wic means make it a 3 trip for her. poor gal. sumore so hot outside so i offer to send her sisters n her mum to work at a shopping complex wic is oni nearby. i haven eaten breakfast o lunch, so Sharon offer to cook for me. at first i reject her cos i doesnt wan to hassle her. i say i jus tapau outside la. den she keep on offer wor. in the end i say ok la...so she ask wat i wanan eat...hhmm...
i told her i wanan eat KFC
LoL , she got speechless. den i say y not cook spagetthi together??? cos the other day wen we limteh at Projet, i told her i noe how to cook spagetthi n i offer to teach her. so she say ok n we went to hunt for the ingredients at the shopping complex where her mum n sisters working. so afta drop her mum n her sisters to work, we hunt for the spagetthi ingedients lo. but...wen we wanna start to hunt for the ingredients, Sharon sis call Sharon n told her tat she forgot to bring out her punch card. Sharon tried to call her dad so tat can ask her dad to bring d card but unfortunately he's not at home.
so i fetch Sharon bek in my "over car". i was sweating all d way
sumore my stomach making noises asking for FOOD FOOD FOOD!!! ok..so we manage to get d card n pass to her sis...n tats d time we settle down to get the ingredients. aaaahh....we r done wif d shopping so we r on d way bek to Sharon's house. the heat...oh my goodness, can die of sun stroke man. we reach Sharon's house at 215pm. the saloon girl told me to come n pick my sis up at bout 330pm. so wic means i haf another 1hour 15mins to go!! wen we were cooking halfway, my stomach start to cramp indicating gastric
but i didnt let her noe cos i doesnt wan her to worry n do it in a kanciong manner. so we quikly cook n tats d 1st time we cook together. LoL...it was so enjoying, haf fun wif my tis 'ji mui'. by d time we finish cooking n wanna settle down to eat it was 300pm!! i faster faster eat n i ask Sharon how isit .. cos tis is d 1st time she's cooking western meal. n she say excellent!! LoL...i hang out till 315pm n say good bye to Sharon. n im on my way to fetch my sis...reach there bout 330pm n we leave d saloon bout 345pm. again penat aku pandu for 10km wif the heat in d car... swt swt!! reach home bout 415pm. alah,i miss my singapore series at 3pm. guess i hafta watch the midnite repeat time. went to work in a tiring condition. keep on yawning
n waiting for the time to pass!!!! so i kill my time by reading Lat comic. hahha. very farny la the comic. by d time i finish tat comic its oni 845pm!!! aiyoo...slow sial d masa lalu. so i read another magazine. but my eyes getting tired so i choose not to read any materials. rest skit my mata. the clock tick tick tick n at last!!! its 945pm!! yay!! can go bek dy!!! my family was surprised tat i went bek so early cos usually i wont b bek tis early. i will usually hang out afta work but tis time afta work i trus balik umah. kekekke....

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