LAMER will always be LAMER, LIARS will always be LIARS, SEEKER ATTENTION will always be ATTENTION SEEKER!! far as i noe...sum people tend to have tat stupid and snoobish attitude. they can be either liar, lamer or seeker attention. sum even more WORSE, got the combination of tat three pathetic attitude!! my goodness, dono where their brain oso... jus like wat Caroline ( Donald Trump assistant ) always says "NO BRAINER NO BRAINER!"
sum were given chance...but still stick to tat stupid attitude. nvm, satu kali chance doesnt work out den give sumore, but too bad, they SIMPLY MISUSE IT!! so amacam lagi? fuck them bek la..u wanna act tat way we also can...apa susah. yes i might sound very evil,
but who cares la...we oredi given them so many chances and they still wanna stick to tat old pathetic style...den tats their pasal dy.. don blame me if i do smth jus like how they do. hei, im a good learner ok, i learn from those bastards selfish. thx to them again.
i have a fren tat told me a real life story the other day. she say she has tis 'good fren', she recommend her good fren 'kang tau'. but unfortunately her 'gudfren' misuse her! how? instead of directly going thru her for the 'kang tau' tat fler went to other person instead. ok la..fair enuf la, if u found sumone wic provides u a higher income, u jus inform her saying u not gonna work for her but working for other people la. tis wont harm everyone. tat fler didnt let her noe, instead tat fler misuse her instead! tat fler can sms her and ask her more news regarding the 'kang tau'. why cant the fler directly ask his/her own dealer instead? why must go thru my fren? like i say ppl no brainer! so my fren found out bout it and she feel betray. she don mind if her fren got a better income, cos who doesnt wanna earn higher income anyway. if the fler inform tat gal he/she found a better income prospect my fren will understand it. but the sad thing is, her 'good fren' sms her and ask her regarding the 'kangtau' thing. eventhough the sms to my fren might not sound so important but she feel betray. sigh... if im in her shoes.. wateva promise i made for tat fler, i will automatically delete off. fuck the fler la. u do tis way i do it tat way to u bek! NO REGRETS!
i just don understand tis kinda person la at times. we already sabar towards them but they make fun and make use of us. wat the heck man. better don hang around wif this people tat much. Donald Trump says before " those tat hang out with LOSERS will eventually be a LOSER as well!! ". i must agree with wat he says. thank you Donald Trump. u make me think more wiser dy. i will support ur show!!!
sum were given chance...but still stick to tat stupid attitude. nvm, satu kali chance doesnt work out den give sumore, but too bad, they SIMPLY MISUSE IT!! so amacam lagi? fuck them bek la..u wanna act tat way we also can...apa susah. yes i might sound very evil,

i have a fren tat told me a real life story the other day. she say she has tis 'good fren', she recommend her good fren 'kang tau'. but unfortunately her 'gudfren' misuse her! how? instead of directly going thru her for the 'kang tau' tat fler went to other person instead. ok la..fair enuf la, if u found sumone wic provides u a higher income, u jus inform her saying u not gonna work for her but working for other people la. tis wont harm everyone. tat fler didnt let her noe, instead tat fler misuse her instead! tat fler can sms her and ask her more news regarding the 'kang tau'. why cant the fler directly ask his/her own dealer instead? why must go thru my fren? like i say ppl no brainer! so my fren found out bout it and she feel betray. she don mind if her fren got a better income, cos who doesnt wanna earn higher income anyway. if the fler inform tat gal he/she found a better income prospect my fren will understand it. but the sad thing is, her 'good fren' sms her and ask her regarding the 'kangtau' thing. eventhough the sms to my fren might not sound so important but she feel betray. sigh... if im in her shoes.. wateva promise i made for tat fler, i will automatically delete off. fuck the fler la. u do tis way i do it tat way to u bek! NO REGRETS!
i just don understand tis kinda person la at times. we already sabar towards them but they make fun and make use of us. wat the heck man. better don hang around wif this people tat much. Donald Trump says before " those tat hang out with LOSERS will eventually be a LOSER as well!! ". i must agree with wat he says. thank you Donald Trump. u make me think more wiser dy. i will support ur show!!!
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