isit a bad sign or wat?
the other saturday, 18th Feb, i followed sayang's family to tis Muar temple wic is quite famous. it seems tat most of the prayers are answered there.
there's two parts of this n sayang finish the 1st part den we decided to get sumthing to drink. when i was walking halfway, my sandals PUTUS!! so so so bad luck!! must it be around tis time? den wen im about to finish the 2nd part of the praying session, it start to drizzling...oh my oh my, did i offend the God onot?? isit a bad sign o wat now???
i ignore it later on den we head to tis Bentayan Food Court for dinner. me and sayang order bbq pork rice. i tink bcos of tat rice itself, we kena food poisoning!! bcos so far his other family members did not suffer from diarhhea and vommiting. poor us :~(
and jus now, jus oni, i went out to repair my 'putus-sandal' at Melaka Raya. after i send my sandal to the cobbler, i walk to my car den. den out of no where, i saw tat PIG!!!!!!!!!! aaaarrgghh!! he jus pop out from one of the corner!! knnccb!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fuk fuk fuk!!!! and he was like asking me to slaughter him....if oni i have a parang wif me tat time!

the SANDALS!!! sandals cause everything!!!!...... geezzzz, i didnt noe tat im so cruel man..cruel cruel cruel!! im gonna be short life....omitofu~..
there's two parts of this n sayang finish the 1st part den we decided to get sumthing to drink. when i was walking halfway, my sandals PUTUS!! so so so bad luck!! must it be around tis time? den wen im about to finish the 2nd part of the praying session, it start to drizzling...oh my oh my, did i offend the God onot?? isit a bad sign o wat now???
i ignore it later on den we head to tis Bentayan Food Court for dinner. me and sayang order bbq pork rice. i tink bcos of tat rice itself, we kena food poisoning!! bcos so far his other family members did not suffer from diarhhea and vommiting. poor us :~(
and jus now, jus oni, i went out to repair my 'putus-sandal' at Melaka Raya. after i send my sandal to the cobbler, i walk to my car den. den out of no where, i saw tat PIG!!!!!!!!!! aaaarrgghh!! he jus pop out from one of the corner!! knnccb!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fuk fuk fuk!!!! and he was like asking me to slaughter him....if oni i have a parang wif me tat time!

the SANDALS!!! sandals cause everything!!!!...... geezzzz, i didnt noe tat im so cruel man..cruel cruel cruel!! im gonna be short life....omitofu~..
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