CNY is in few days time, and i do not have the CNY mood. * weird *
mayb tats becoz im not wif my family and i do not get to do CNY shopping wif them. and oso mayb we had been working till late night that by the time we reach home, we took our bath and head to bed n sleep. so lifelessssss....
and oso not much CNY decoration here except for my office.
so to put myself into CNY mood, i actually listen to chinese radio station at office hoping to hear more Chinese New Year songs, just like what im doing now.
yesterday, after work, me n sayang went to 1U to shop for his CNY clothes.
" guys = last minute shopping "
i've actually bought 1 pair of high heel shoes, few blouses which i think around 5-6 pieces of them, 2 mini t-shirt from Esprit and Nike, one dress, 2 skirts and 1 pair of Levi's jeans earlier.
so i told myself not to get anymore....enuf is enuf~! but i failed to do so, my legs got so itchy that i walk myself into Voir shop and bought another pair of high heel shoes. -____-"
sayang manage to get his clothes... FINALLY!! we might be going to The Curve tomorrow and pls pray that i wont get anything from there~!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *omitofu*
nyway, im planning to go for medicure and pedicure wif my colleague tis coming Friday. cant wait for the day~! time to pamper myself again.... ^_^V
Labels: CNY