Happy Wesak Day
today is Wesak eve. me n my sayang decide to join the Wesak walk. we went to Sek Kia Enh around 630pm. everywhere is jam and we need to park the car at Ong Kim Wee. by the time we reached there, the monk and the rest of the Buddhist were chanting. as i was watching the prayers, a 'gong' sound attract my attention. the sound of the 'gong' indicating its time to carry the Buddha statue to the main float. i pay attention to the procedure and the way they carry the Buddha to the float. very interesting. well, anyway tis is the first time i witness this kinda procedure and the first time i join the Wesak walk. keekeke.
Sharon then calls me to inform me she reached the temple. so we decide to meet at the main entrance. i met a lot of my frens there too. i saw Jerad, Siak Fui, Ah Tiong, Yuen Hon, Kwong Wei, Pei Ling, Adrienne, Daniel, Marrianne, Bee Lan and oso, how can i forget tat Penjolok Bontot Patrick!!!
hhmm, u must be wondering y i call him Penjolok Bontot Patrick. hhahahah, before the walk begins, i bump into Patrick. and his duty is to jolok those electric wire higher so tat wen the float is moving will not affect the float halfway thru. kekeke. tats y i called him Penjolok Bontot Patrick. teheheeheh... he say i lazy wanna walk, so i prove to him tat i walk the whole route! tadah~! mai siao siao...
the walk roughly ends at about 930pm. so we went to get our car and guess wat, we got stuck in the jam. the cars are not moving at all!! we rest inside the car for almost one hour and then the traffic begins to go slowly.
we went to Pak Putra to had our dinner. actually i forgot tat i havent eat my dinner. halfway thru my sayang ask wanna go where for dinner den i was like "oh yeah hor, i haven makan dinner".
my sister; Amy also participated in the walk. she's the IJC Buddhist Society president. tat proves tat she gotta join the walk. she managed to take a few pics on the float.
* Photography Session *

Sharon then calls me to inform me she reached the temple. so we decide to meet at the main entrance. i met a lot of my frens there too. i saw Jerad, Siak Fui, Ah Tiong, Yuen Hon, Kwong Wei, Pei Ling, Adrienne, Daniel, Marrianne, Bee Lan and oso, how can i forget tat Penjolok Bontot Patrick!!!
hhmm, u must be wondering y i call him Penjolok Bontot Patrick. hhahahah, before the walk begins, i bump into Patrick. and his duty is to jolok those electric wire higher so tat wen the float is moving will not affect the float halfway thru. kekeke. tats y i called him Penjolok Bontot Patrick. teheheeheh... he say i lazy wanna walk, so i prove to him tat i walk the whole route! tadah~! mai siao siao...
the walk roughly ends at about 930pm. so we went to get our car and guess wat, we got stuck in the jam. the cars are not moving at all!! we rest inside the car for almost one hour and then the traffic begins to go slowly.
we went to Pak Putra to had our dinner. actually i forgot tat i havent eat my dinner. halfway thru my sayang ask wanna go where for dinner den i was like "oh yeah hor, i haven makan dinner".
my sister; Amy also participated in the walk. she's the IJC Buddhist Society president. tat proves tat she gotta join the walk. she managed to take a few pics on the float.
* Photography Session *

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