2nd day in Penang
Allan's handfon alarm ring a few times at about 845am. but he didnt wake up. finally at about 1030am he woke up and call dono who and say "shit! i woke up late, wake for me ar".
we're goin to cek out at 12pm. b4 tat, we were supposed to stay one more nite, but sayang need to rush bek to Mlk cos he had an appoinment with a client on Saturday morning. so we have to rush bek after my convocation. anyway, we bought tiket to Mlk (11pm) once we reach Penang bust stand. since Allan will be goin USM earlier den us, we have to help him carry his huge heavy luggage! ish, become his kuli plak.
soo yin n sharon came n pik us at 12pm. went for lunch den went bek to soo yin's in-law's house. soo yin's mum-in-law is indeed a great lady to chat with and oso her nephew(s)in-law was so superb CUTE!!!! i wanted to take pics with those cute hensom kids but time is running out. too bad!!
soo yin n sharon wanna do make up on me. so i was ask to sit down and both of these expert start to draw and paint colors on me. once the make up is done, i wear my robe and get ready to head to USM.
USM starts to get bz wif lotsa ppl.
1stly i went to regis myself. got myself a pass den went to the hall to get rdy for the ceremony. the hall was indeed very big. sayang and sharon did help me to snap pics in the hall (wic is illegal).

den the speech begin etc etc. wen its about time for the graduans to get ready to get their scroll from Tan Sri (dean), i got so nervous. i was so afraid tat i might trip down or bang into sumone etc.
wen our names are read, our names will appear in two big screen. finally its my turn, i walk up and took the scroll. sharon manage to take my pic wen i took the scroll from the dean. but a pic of my bek oni. its doesnt matter. i still like it. thx gal! i tot wanna put tat particular pic here but Sharon been bz recently and so am i. she cant email me the pic, but nvm, mayb sum other day.
the names goes on and on till about 430pm. most of us feel so sleepy. even sharon n sayang nearly doze off at the bek. sharon says tat she dono wats happening but she noes tat her body is oni moving from left to right.
one thing i notice is, usually the last graduan of each batch will have a very great applause, especially from he cancelors etc on the stage. u noe why? cos they're very happy the thing gonna end soon. so to those tat are the last person, they shud feel luky.
at about 550pm, the session end. the cancelors, dean etc walk our from the stage. damn cool sial.
everybody rush out of the hall. everywhere was like so buzy. took lotsa pics with my frens.
* me *

* another me *

* sayang and my beloved frens !! *

* me with senthila *

* with coursemates n lecturer *
by the time we finish taking pics, its nearing to 730pm!! poor soo yin have to bear with us all d time. she drove us bek to her in-law's place den her bf took his own car to fetch us for dinner.
i tink Allan got too obsessed with soo yin's satria car. cos.... wen we sit soo yin's bf car and wanted to get down from his car, i was waiting for Allan to go out from the car so i can go out. i ask why isnt he goin down. den he point to his front ppl (my sayang). i wonder wat isit gotta do with the front ppl. so i say "tis is not satria car weh, u can open ur own door n go out". lolz~! soo yin n sharon laugh non stop after got to noe Allan. he was so superb blur!
finish dinner about 930pm den went bek to soo yin's bf place. had a short bath den rest a while den her bf send us to bus stand. a very tiring journey but overall it was so much fun!
reach Mlk at about 445am. sayang's parents came n fetch us. went bek to his house to sleep. woke up makan lunch. after such a long time didnt go over my sayang's place, i find out our eO had grow so much!!

anyway, thx soo yin for everything!!! thx sharon!! u guys the BESH!!
* just for fun *
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