i believe in KARMA
wat goes around comes around, wat goes up muz come down...
u guys out there, pls bear in mind bout the phrase above. its damn freaky!!
i seriously had enuf ady. im trying to be real patient, but u tot im a CLOWN wif no feelings and u wanna vent ur anger on me. u didnt realise u're testing my patience. sad to say, sumting bad gonna happen to u SOON! u better watch out. i don give a fuck if u're reading tis too!!
sum of u mus b wondering who i mean, sum might be guessing correctly and sum might be saying im so so GANAS! but who cares!
to be frank, im actually a type of person wic can be easily hurt. even wen i had small arguement wif my mum, my tears will definitely drop. but tis time, i tink im 'quite' strong enuf. why am i saying tis? ok here goes...yesterday he wanna have meeting wit Miss Ong and me. so he blah blah blah nonsence stuff as though we noe nth bout it wic we noe earlier. den he suddenly say "we might open the office on Saturday". he den point to me "u're working from Tues to Sat meanwhile Zeena will be working from Mon to Frid. Sat working hours will be until 630pm.".
i got blur, my eyes open so wide tat i dono wanan say wat. wat is tis man? ur old staff come bek den u give me those not good news asking me to work ALONE in the office on Saturday till 630pm? to be frank, i don mind if u ask me to work Mon-Sat whereby Sat i work halfday. but u ask me to work till 630pm ALONE? and one more thing, if u say wanna do rotation in the working days etc, i oso don mind. r u trying to be BIAS o wat now? he's mmg trying to be bias.
den he start to making comparison bout me and zeena. he says tat customers askign wen is zeena comign bek to work. hello, im jus oni one month in the office. i even ask zeena she took how long to brush up all the skills. she say months and months. and now u're trying to make comparison between a senior wic work 2years more den a freshie wic work for oni 1month???
i was told by my colleague tat he's the type tat will use smth else(wic does not exist) to preassure on u. wic means customers asking bout zeena case does not exist. never exist b4. tats y he sengaja wanna kek me by making comparison.
den he start to say me n my colleague work so slow. tis and tat. basically, our office oni one printer. and everyone of us queueing for tat bloody printer. den at times the paper jam. den he expect me to stand by the printer and JAGA the printer to make sure the papers jam. wat is tis man? den my work no need to do la. u happy la if customers fug me. tok cock number 1! but action wise like small kid!
today ler, wanna do work oso no mood. he tembak tembak like nobody business. Miss Ong have to face his stupid lectures early in the mornign bcos of one pathetic staff. it seems tat the staf complain to him saying bout her. den he call Miss Ong up for meeting and lecture her. to look over the case situation, its very obvious not Miss Ong's fault. but he was so hard backing up tat pathetic staff!! BIAS BIAS BIAS!!!
small matter case oso he wanna bring up. i remember very well wen i started to join tis companyy, he told me tat i have to do trial and error wen printing. TATS WAT HE SAY!! den wen he found out roughly 3piece of faulty paper, he kantoi me. i was like huh, u told me to do trial and error and now u say im giving u so much os wastage? there's one piece of paper wic printed halfway whereby it was supposed to print one whole paper. den he ask me n my colleague why isit like tat. we answer the printer's prb. and he can say "don blame on the printer". again my mulut ternganga.
wen he was kantoi-ing us, there's this Fuji Xerox guy came over to cek on the wastage. he tarak muka wen the guy ask him bout the wastage etc. tats y he come kantoi us. den after tat guy left, he got the ballz to come to my place and tel me n my colleague tat he don mean to scold us jus now, he got no face tat time and he have to do so. LOL~!!!! pls la, don gip me tis stupid joke la...joke of the century ballz!
the powerful thing is, he come to my pc and click on my illustrator programme den the whole damn thing MISSING!! my work~!! aaarrghhh, fug! i try to on my illustrator few times but to no avail. very nice try huh? and he can say wat u noe? he say my documents make the programme corrupted. tis is his reason!!! again i got blur, for no reason. i been using the pc for one month and nothing happen. he come over my pc and click click a bit den the whole damn thing gone!! thx 4 the work! so i have to format my pc and install the stupid programmes.
he told Miss Ong im irresponsible bcos i went out lunch. LOL~!!!! wat he's trying to say is, me and my colleague shud take turn to go out for lunch. last time, there were once he called office at 155pm. nobody pick up. den exactly at 2pm, he call and Miss Ong answer the fon. he ask Miss Ong y nobody pick up the fon earlier? Miss Ong says we went out late for lunch. den he got the stupid ballz to say "nx time once its lunch time u all jus get out of the office. 1pm leave the place". and i remember very well tat once he told me and Jasmine tat, if its 1pm, jus go out for lunch. don do work dy. and now he got the stupid arse to tel Miss Ong tat im so irresponsible for leaving the office at 1pm. wtf? but Miss Ong bekup me and says tat at times i didnt have lunch and have to stay at office do work. SIGH. how to deal wif such a person?
SLY SLY SLY!! SWINE SWINE SWINE!!! u gonna get it!! end of tis month, 3 ppl leaving!! and u gonna be in DROP DEAD MEAT!! MUAHAHHAHAH~!!
wen i start to join tis company, i told myself i will give myself the most 2years. but thx to him for making me change my mind. or else im gonna be his CLOWN for the coming 2 years!!!
i bring bek my work to finish up SOON. skip my lunch to finish up the work SOON. and tis is wat i get? i wont be so stupid like last time! once its 630pm, i willleave the office.
2ml working ballz. dowan work can ma? =(
u guys out there, pls bear in mind bout the phrase above. its damn freaky!!
i seriously had enuf ady. im trying to be real patient, but u tot im a CLOWN wif no feelings and u wanna vent ur anger on me. u didnt realise u're testing my patience. sad to say, sumting bad gonna happen to u SOON! u better watch out. i don give a fuck if u're reading tis too!!
sum of u mus b wondering who i mean, sum might be guessing correctly and sum might be saying im so so GANAS! but who cares!
to be frank, im actually a type of person wic can be easily hurt. even wen i had small arguement wif my mum, my tears will definitely drop. but tis time, i tink im 'quite' strong enuf. why am i saying tis? ok here goes...yesterday he wanna have meeting wit Miss Ong and me. so he blah blah blah nonsence stuff as though we noe nth bout it wic we noe earlier. den he suddenly say "we might open the office on Saturday". he den point to me "u're working from Tues to Sat meanwhile Zeena will be working from Mon to Frid. Sat working hours will be until 630pm.".
i got blur, my eyes open so wide tat i dono wanan say wat. wat is tis man? ur old staff come bek den u give me those not good news asking me to work ALONE in the office on Saturday till 630pm? to be frank, i don mind if u ask me to work Mon-Sat whereby Sat i work halfday. but u ask me to work till 630pm ALONE? and one more thing, if u say wanna do rotation in the working days etc, i oso don mind. r u trying to be BIAS o wat now? he's mmg trying to be bias.
den he start to making comparison bout me and zeena. he says tat customers askign wen is zeena comign bek to work. hello, im jus oni one month in the office. i even ask zeena she took how long to brush up all the skills. she say months and months. and now u're trying to make comparison between a senior wic work 2years more den a freshie wic work for oni 1month???
i was told by my colleague tat he's the type tat will use smth else(wic does not exist) to preassure on u. wic means customers asking bout zeena case does not exist. never exist b4. tats y he sengaja wanna kek me by making comparison.
den he start to say me n my colleague work so slow. tis and tat. basically, our office oni one printer. and everyone of us queueing for tat bloody printer. den at times the paper jam. den he expect me to stand by the printer and JAGA the printer to make sure the papers jam. wat is tis man? den my work no need to do la. u happy la if customers fug me. tok cock number 1! but action wise like small kid!
today ler, wanna do work oso no mood. he tembak tembak like nobody business. Miss Ong have to face his stupid lectures early in the mornign bcos of one pathetic staff. it seems tat the staf complain to him saying bout her. den he call Miss Ong up for meeting and lecture her. to look over the case situation, its very obvious not Miss Ong's fault. but he was so hard backing up tat pathetic staff!! BIAS BIAS BIAS!!!
small matter case oso he wanna bring up. i remember very well wen i started to join tis companyy, he told me tat i have to do trial and error wen printing. TATS WAT HE SAY!! den wen he found out roughly 3piece of faulty paper, he kantoi me. i was like huh, u told me to do trial and error and now u say im giving u so much os wastage? there's one piece of paper wic printed halfway whereby it was supposed to print one whole paper. den he ask me n my colleague why isit like tat. we answer the printer's prb. and he can say "don blame on the printer". again my mulut ternganga.
wen he was kantoi-ing us, there's this Fuji Xerox guy came over to cek on the wastage. he tarak muka wen the guy ask him bout the wastage etc. tats y he come kantoi us. den after tat guy left, he got the ballz to come to my place and tel me n my colleague tat he don mean to scold us jus now, he got no face tat time and he have to do so. LOL~!!!! pls la, don gip me tis stupid joke la...joke of the century ballz!
the powerful thing is, he come to my pc and click on my illustrator programme den the whole damn thing MISSING!! my work~!! aaarrghhh, fug! i try to on my illustrator few times but to no avail. very nice try huh? and he can say wat u noe? he say my documents make the programme corrupted. tis is his reason!!! again i got blur, for no reason. i been using the pc for one month and nothing happen. he come over my pc and click click a bit den the whole damn thing gone!! thx 4 the work! so i have to format my pc and install the stupid programmes.
he told Miss Ong im irresponsible bcos i went out lunch. LOL~!!!! wat he's trying to say is, me and my colleague shud take turn to go out for lunch. last time, there were once he called office at 155pm. nobody pick up. den exactly at 2pm, he call and Miss Ong answer the fon. he ask Miss Ong y nobody pick up the fon earlier? Miss Ong says we went out late for lunch. den he got the stupid ballz to say "nx time once its lunch time u all jus get out of the office. 1pm leave the place". and i remember very well tat once he told me and Jasmine tat, if its 1pm, jus go out for lunch. don do work dy. and now he got the stupid arse to tel Miss Ong tat im so irresponsible for leaving the office at 1pm. wtf? but Miss Ong bekup me and says tat at times i didnt have lunch and have to stay at office do work. SIGH. how to deal wif such a person?
SLY SLY SLY!! SWINE SWINE SWINE!!! u gonna get it!! end of tis month, 3 ppl leaving!! and u gonna be in DROP DEAD MEAT!! MUAHAHHAHAH~!!
wen i start to join tis company, i told myself i will give myself the most 2years. but thx to him for making me change my mind. or else im gonna be his CLOWN for the coming 2 years!!!
i bring bek my work to finish up SOON. skip my lunch to finish up the work SOON. and tis is wat i get? i wont be so stupid like last time! once its 630pm, i willleave the office.
2ml working ballz. dowan work can ma? =(
At 6:27 PM,
anthraxxxx said…
Babi mia orang. Can't wait for the day where the 3 ppl are leaving. Ngek ngek ngek...
At 5:17 PM,
Me said…
what leongko said is definitely true. he doesn't even worth a single sympathy from anyone at all. over self-centered person speaks nothing other than talking cock. if i were u, i'd have bid him farewell and wished him all happiness on earth in a very thanksgiving kinda accent. lol!
At 6:01 PM,
anthraxxxx said…
Well said. The ugly side of mankind at its lowest should dealt with ruthlessness itself.
At 6:05 PM,
Tricia said…
he memang babi mia org la..SIGH!
wah Allison, u oso quite ganas hor...anyway, thx 4 d advice too!!
At 1:19 AM,
Me said…
welcome dear. err... me ganas?? did i mentioned any ganas wordings here? or is it becoz u've read the latest entry in my blog? hahahaa... u see, we need to find ways to release our tension sometimes, that's why being vulgar at times is not a prob at all! lol! hmm i cannot post any comment in ur tag box from my own pc lar... so i just write here. take care yoh~
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